The Value Of Self-Worth

Katrina Collier
4 min readJan 3, 2024

Recruiters, after the last 3 years, it’s time to rebuild it.

Image of Scrabble tiles spelling out be fearless be you
Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

If you were to work on one thing in 2024 that would help you feel calmer and happier, I would make it building your self-worth.

Quoting directly from Sanjana Gupta’s article on Well Mind:

Low self-worth is characterized by a negative view of oneself and a lack of trust in one’s abilities. As a result, there is a perpetual fear of failure, difficulty accepting positive comments, and a disproportionate focus on weaknesses. Because there is a strong tendency to view oneself as unworthy, there is also a tendency to elevate others, in an effort to compensate. Someone with low self-worth may therefore minimize their needs, allow their boundaries to be infringed, go out of their way to please others, and be unable to stand up for themselves.

If not reason enough for recruiters to ensure they are brimming with self-worth…

Low self-worth is highly correlated with depression and anxiety. As a result, people may experience symptoms like low mood, irritability, anxiety, fatigue, changes in weight, sleep difficulties, and inability to concentrate.

As regular readers know, I expect my memoir, The Damage of Words: A Memoir of Healing Self-Hate & Gaining Self-Mastery, to be published this year. In it, I share the epic journey I…



Katrina Collier

Solving The Recruitment Problems AI Won't Fix | Human Connection Facilitator & Speaker | Author: Reboot Hiring & The Robot-Proof Recruiter |