Stop Hunting Unicorns

Katrina Collier
4 min readSep 27, 2023

Recruiters, for your sanity’s sake, stop it!

Photo by Joen Patrick Caagbay on Unsplash

Stop before you go crazy searching for a myth!

If you keep looking for a candidate that doesn’t exist…

  1. You will get super frustrated and hate your job.
  2. You could start doubting your capabilities.
  3. If you do get close, and your HM still rejects them… see step 1.
  4. You may even make a voodoo doll of your unrealistic HM (joke, maybe).
  5. You are wasting your irreplaceable time and the company’s money.

You get the idea, right?

There is no reason to damage your mental health because your hiring manager is being daft. You don’t need to send yourself down a path of self-doubt because they won’t listen to you! It is completely unnecessary.

Instead of hunting for unicorns…

1. Enter the intake meeting prepared

This is detailed in Chapter 5 of The Robot-Proof Recruiter — go in with market data, competitor intel, an idea of candidate data, and possible internal candidates. Be ready to discover the urgency of the role and the associated pain if it is not filled, which can be used to chase them. And get the HM’s commitment on…



Katrina Collier

Solving The Recruitment Problems AI Won't Fix | Human Connection Facilitator & Speaker | Author: Reboot Hiring & The Robot-Proof Recruiter |